Source code for pylife.materialdata.woehler.maxlike

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from .elementary import Elementary

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
import warnings

[docs] class MaxLikeInf(Elementary): def _specific_analysis(self, wc): SD, TS = self.__max_likelihood_inf_limit() wc['SD'] = SD wc['TS'] = TS wc['ND'] = self._transition_cycles(SD) return wc def __max_likelihood_inf_limit(self): ''' This maximum likelihood procedure estimates the load endurance limit SD50_mali_2_param and the scatter in load direction TS_mali_2_param. Moreover, the load cycle endurance is computed by the interesecting endurance limit line with the line of slope k_1 ''' SD_start = self._fd.fatigue_limit TS_start = 1.2 var_opt = optimize.fmin(lambda p: -self._lh.likelihood_infinite(p[0], p[1]), [SD_start, TS_start], disp=False, full_output=True) SD_50 = var_opt[0][0] TS = var_opt[0][1] return SD_50, TS
[docs] class MaxLikeFull(Elementary): def _specific_analysis(self, wc, fixed_parameters={}): return pd.Series(self.__max_likelihood_full(wc, fixed_parameters)) def __max_likelihood_full(self, initial_wcurve, fixed_prms): """ Maximum likelihood is a method of estimating the parameters of a distribution model by maximizing a likelihood function, so that under the assumed statistical model the observed data is most probable. This procedure consists of estimating the curve parameters, where some of these paramters may be fixed by the user. The remaining paramters are then fitted to produce the best possible outcome. The procedure uses the function Optimize.fmin Optimize.fmin iterates over the function mali_sum_lolli values till it finds the minimum Parameters ---------- self.p_opt: Start values of the Mali estimated parameters if none are fixed by the user. self.dict_bound: Boundary values of the Mali estimated parameters if none are fixed by the user. This forces the optimizer to search for a minimum solution within a given area. Returns ------- self.Mali_5p_result: The estimated parameters computed using the optimizer. """ def warn_and_fix_if_no_runouts(): nonlocal fixed_prms if self._fd.num_runouts == 0: warnings.warn(UserWarning("MaxLikeHood: no runouts are present in fatigue data. " "Proceeding with SD = 0 and TS = 1 as fixed parameters. " "This is NOT a standard evaluation!")) fixed_prms = fixed_prms.copy() fixed_prms.update({'SD': 0.0, 'TS': 1.0}) def fail_if_less_than_three_fractures(): if self._fd.num_fractures < 3 or len(self._fd.fractured_loads) < 2: raise ValueError("MaxLikeHood: need at least three fractures on two load levels.") def warn_and_fix_if_less_than_two_mixed_levels(): nonlocal fixed_prms if len(self._fd.mixed_loads) < 2 and self._fd.num_runouts > 0 and self._fd.num_fractures > 0: warnings.warn(UserWarning("MaxLikeHood: less than two mixed load levels in fatigue data." "Proceeding by setting a predetermined scatter from the standard Wöhler curve.")) fixed_prms = fixed_prms.copy() TN, TS = self._pearl_chain_method() fixed_prms.update({'TS': TS}) fail_if_less_than_three_fractures() warn_and_fix_if_no_runouts() warn_and_fix_if_less_than_two_mixed_levels() p_opt = initial_wcurve.to_dict() for k in fixed_prms: p_opt.pop(k) if not p_opt: raise AttributeError('You need to leave at least one parameter empty!') var_opt = optimize.fmin( self.__likelihood_wrapper, [*p_opt.values()], args=([*p_opt], fixed_prms), full_output=True, disp=False, maxiter=1e4, maxfun=1e4, ) res = {} res.update(fixed_prms) res.update(zip([*p_opt], var_opt[0])) return self.__make_parameters(res) def __make_parameters(self, params): params['SD'] = np.abs(params['SD']) params['TS'] = np.abs(params['TS']) params['k_1'] = np.abs(params['k_1']) params['ND'] = np.abs(params['ND']) params['TN'] = np.abs(params['TN']) return params def __likelihood_wrapper(self, var_args, var_keys, fix_args): ''' 1) Finds the start values to be optimized. The rest of the paramters are fixed by the user. 2) Calls function mali_sum_lolli to calculate the maximum likelihood of the current variable states. ''' args = {} args.update(fix_args) args.update(zip(var_keys, var_args)) args = self.__make_parameters(args) return -self._lh.likelihood_total(args['SD'], args['TS'], args['k_1'], args['ND'], args['TN'])