The pylife-odbserver package


A server for odbAccess to be accessed by pylife-odbclient


Unfortunately Abaqus still comes with a python-2.x engine. So you can’t access an Abaqus odb file from within modern python code. This python package is the client part of a client server setup to make odb files accessible from within python-3.x code in a transparent way.


This package provides a slim server that as python-2.7 software, that can be run inside the Abaqus python engine. It accepts command via sys.stdin and according to the command is querying data from the odbAccess interface and returning them in a pickle object.

The sibling package pylife-odbclient comes with a python class OdbClient that spawns the server in the background when an instance of OdbClient is instantiated. Then the client object can be used to transparently access data from the odb file via the server. Once the client object goes out of scope i.e. is deleted, the server process is stopped automatically.


  • Create and activate a plain python-2.7 environment without additional packages. For example by

conda create -n odbserver python=2.7 pip
  • Run

pip install pylife-odbserver