The mesh module


Helper to process mesh based data

Data that is distributed over a geometrical body, e.g. a stress tensor distribution on a component, is usually transported via a mesh. The meshes are a list of items (e.g. nodes or elements of a FEM mesh), each being described by the geometrical coordinates and the local data values, like for example the local stress tensor data.

In a plain mesh (see PlainMesh) there is no further relation between the items is known, whereas a complete FEM mesh (see Mesh) there is also information on the connectivity of the nodes and elements.


Read in a mesh from a vmap file:

>>> df = (vm = pylife.vmap.VMAPImport('demos/plate_with_hole.vmap')
             .make_mesh('1', 'STATE-2')
>>> df.head()
                            x         y    z        S11       S22  S33        S12  S13  S23        dx        dy   dz
element_id node_id
1          1734     14.897208  5.269875  0.0  27.080811  6.927080  0.0 -13.687358  0.0  0.0  0.005345  0.000015  0.0
           1582     14.555333  5.355806  0.0  28.319006  1.178649  0.0 -10.732705  0.0  0.0  0.005285  0.000003  0.0
           1596     14.630658  4.908741  0.0  47.701195  5.512213  0.0 -17.866833  0.0  0.0  0.005376  0.000019  0.0
           4923     14.726271  5.312840  0.0  27.699907  4.052865  0.0 -12.210032  0.0  0.0  0.005315  0.000009  0.0
           4924     14.592996  5.132274  0.0  38.010101  3.345431  0.0 -14.299768  0.0  0.0  0.005326  0.000013  0.0

Get the coordinates of the mesh.

>>> df.plain_mesh.coordinates.head()
                            x         y    z
element_id node_id
1          1734     14.897208  5.269875  0.0
           1582     14.555333  5.355806  0.0
           1596     14.630658  4.908741  0.0
           4923     14.726271  5.312840  0.0
           4924     14.592996  5.132274  0.0

Now the same with a 2D mesh:

>>> df.drop(columns=['z']).plain_mesh.coordinates.head()
                            x         y
element_id node_id
1          1734     14.897208  5.269875
           1582     14.555333  5.355806
           1596     14.630658  4.908741
           4923     14.726271  5.312840
           4924     14.592996  5.132274

The signal classes