Source code for pylife.utils.histogram

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__author__ = "Daniel Christopher Kreuter"
__maintainer__ = "Johannes Mueller"

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs] def combine_histogram(hist_list, method='sum'): """Combine a list of histograms to one. Parameters ---------- hist_list: list of :class:`pandas.Series` list of histograms with all histograms as interval indexed :class:`pandas.Series` method: str or aggregating function method used for the aggregation, e.g. 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'mean', 'std' or any callable function that would aggregate a :class:`pandas.Series`. default is 'sum' Returns ------- histogram : :class:`pd.Series` The resulting histogram Raises ------ ValueError if the index levels of the histograms do not match. Notes ----- Identical bins are grouped and then aggregated using ``method``. Note that neither before or after the aggregation any rebinning takes place. You might consider piping your histograms through :func:`~pylife.utils.histogram.rebin_histogram` before or after combining them. The histograms need to have compatible indices. Those can either be a simple class:`pandas.IntervalIndex` for a one dimensional histogram or a :class:`pandas.MultiIndex` whose levels are all ``IntervalIndex`` for multidimensional histograms. For multidimensional histograms the names of the index levels must match throughout the input histogram list. Examples -------- Two one dimensional histograms: >>> h1 = pd.Series([5., 10.], index=pd.interval_range(start=0, end=2)) >>> h2 = pd.Series([12., 3., 20.], index=pd.interval_range(start=1, periods=3)) >>> h1 (0, 1] 5.0 (1, 2] 10.0 dtype: float64 >>> h2 = pd.Series([12., 3., 20.], index=pd.interval_range(start=1, periods=3)) >>> h2 (1, 2] 12.0 (2, 3] 3.0 (3, 4] 20.0 dtype: float64 >>> combine_histogram([h1, h2]) (0, 1] 5.0 (1, 2] 22.0 (2, 3] 3.0 (3, 4] 20.0 dtype: float64 >>> combine_histogram([h1, h2], method='min') (0, 1] 5.0 (1, 2] 10.0 (2, 3] 3.0 (3, 4] 20.0 dtype: float64 >>> combine_histogram([h1, h2], method='max') (0, 1] 5.0 (1, 2] 12.0 (2, 3] 3.0 (3, 4] 20.0 dtype: float64 >>> combine_histogram([h1, h2], method='mean') (0, 1] 5.0 (1, 2] 11.0 (2, 3] 3.0 (3, 4] 20.0 dtype: float64 Limitations ----------- At the moment, additional dimensions i.e. index level that are not histogram bins, are not supported. This limitation might fall in the future. """ def dimensions_are_consistent(): for h in hist_list[1:]: if len(h.index.names) != len(hist_list[0].index.names): return False if set(h.index.names) != set(hist_list[0].index.names): return False return True hist_list = list(filter(lambda h: len(h) > 0, hist_list)) if len(hist_list) == 0: return pd.Series(dtype=np.float64, index=pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples([])) if not dimensions_are_consistent(): raise ValueError("Histograms must have identical dimensions to be combined.") names = hist_list[0].index.names concat = pd.concat(hist_list) combined = concat.groupby(concat.index).agg(method) if isinstance(concat.index, pd.MultiIndex): combined.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(combined.index, names=names) return combined
[docs] def rebin_histogram(histogram, binning, nan_default=False): """Rebin a histogram to a given binning. Parameters ---------- histogram : :class:`pandas.Series` with :class:`pandas.IntervalIndex` The histogram data to be rebinned binning : :class:`pandas.IntervalIndex` or int The given binning or number of bins nan_default : bool If True non occupied bins will be occupied with ``np.nan``, else 0.0 Default False Returns ------- rebinned : :class:`pandas.Series` with :class:`pandas.IntervalIndex` The rebinned histogram Raises ------ TypeError if the ``histogram`` or the ``binning`` do not have an ``IntervalIndex``. ValueError if the binning is not monotonic increasing or has gaps. Notes ----- The events collected in the bins of the original histogram are distributed linearly to the bins in the target bins. Examples -------- >>> h (0.0, 1.0] 1.0 (1.0, 2.0] 2.0 (2.0, 3.0] 3.0 (3.0, 4.0] 4.0 dtype: float64 >>> h = pd.Series([10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0], index=pd.interval_range(0.0, 4.0, 4)) >>> h (0.0, 1.0] 10.0 (1.0, 2.0] 20.0 (2.0, 3.0] 30.0 (3.0, 4.0] 40.0 dtype: float64 Rebin to a finer binning: >>> target_binning = pd.interval_range(0.0, 4.0, 8) >>> rebin_histogram(h, target_binning) (0.0, 0.5] 5.0 (0.5, 1.0] 5.0 (1.0, 1.5] 10.0 (1.5, 2.0] 10.0 (2.0, 2.5] 15.0 (2.5, 3.0] 15.0 (3.0, 3.5] 20.0 (3.5, 4.0] 20.0 dtype: float64 Rebin to a coarser binning: >>> target_binning = pd.interval_range(0.0, 4.0, 2) >>> rebin_histogram(h, target_binning) (0.0, 2.0] 30.0 (2.0, 4.0] 70.0 dtype: float64 Define the target bin just by an int: >>> rebin_histogram(h, 5) (0.0, 0.8] 8.0 (0.8, 1.6] 14.0 (1.6, 2.4] 20.0 (2.4, 3.2] 26.0 (3.2, 4.0] 32.0 dtype: float64 Limitations ----------- At the moment, additional dimensions i.e. index level that are not histogram bins, are not supported. This limitation might fall in the future. """ default_value = np.nan if nan_default else 0.0 if not isinstance(histogram.index, pd.MultiIndex): return _do_rebin_histogram(histogram, binning, default_value) original_names = histogram.index.names for name in histogram.index.names: if not isinstance(histogram.index.get_level_values(name), pd.IntervalIndex): continue this_binning = binning.levels[binning.names.index(name)] if isinstance(binning, pd.MultiIndex) else binning remaining_names = list(filter(lambda m: m != name, original_names)) histogram = (histogram .groupby(remaining_names) .apply(lambda h: _do_rebin_histogram(h.droplevel(remaining_names), this_binning, default_value))) return histogram.reorder_levels(original_names)
def _do_rebin_histogram(histogram, binning, default_value): def interval_overlap(reference_interval, test_interval): overlap = min(reference_interval.right, test_interval.right) - max(reference_interval.left, test_interval.left) return overlap / test_interval.length def aggregate_hist(interval): occupied = hist.loc[hist.index.overlaps(interval)].dropna() if len(occupied) == 0: return default_value return occupied.apply(lambda v: v.iloc[0] * interval_overlap(interval,, axis=1).sum() def binning_of_n_bins(index, binnum): start = index.left.min() end = index.right.max() if np.isnan(start) or np.isnan(end): return pd.interval_range(0., 0., 0) return pd.interval_range(start, end, binnum) def binning_does_not_cover_histogram(): return ( histogram.index.right.max() > binning.right.max() or histogram.index.left.min() < binning.left.min() ) if not isinstance(histogram.index, pd.IntervalIndex): raise TypeError("histogram needs to have an IntervalIndex.") if isinstance(binning, int): binning = binning_of_n_bins(histogram.index, binning) else: _fail_if_binning_invalid(binning) if binning_does_not_cover_histogram(): warnings.warn("histogram is partly out of binning. This information will be lost!", RuntimeWarning) if len(histogram) == 0: rebinned = pd.Series(0.0, index=binning) else: hist = histogram.to_frame() rebinned = binning.to_series().apply(aggregate_hist) = = return rebinned def _fail_if_binning_invalid(binning): def binning_is_overlapping_or_non_monotonic_increasing(): return ( len(binning) > 0 and ( not binning.is_non_overlapping_monotonic or binning.is_monotonic_decreasing ) ) def binning_has_gaps(): if len(binning) == 0: return False left = binning.left[1:] right = binning.right[:-1] return pd.DataFrame({'l': left, 'r': right}).apply(lambda r: r.l != r.r, axis=1).any() if not isinstance(binning, pd.IntervalIndex): raise TypeError("binning argument must be a pandas.IntervalIndex.") if binning_is_overlapping_or_non_monotonic_increasing(): raise ValueError("binning index must be monotonic increasing without overlaps.") if binning_has_gaps(): raise ValueError("binning index must not have gaps.")