Source code for pylife.stress.rainflow.fourpoint

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__author__ = "Vishnu Pradeep"
__maintainer__ = "Johannes Mueller"

import numpy as np

from .general import AbstractDetector

[docs] class FourPointDetector(AbstractDetector): r"""Implements four point rainflow counting algorithm. .. jupyter-execute:: from pylife.stress.timesignal import TimeSignalGenerator import pylife.stress.rainflow as RF ts = TimeSignalGenerator(10, { 'number': 50, 'amplitude_median': 1.0, 'amplitude_std_dev': 0.5, 'frequency_median': 4, 'frequency_std_dev': 3, 'offset_median': 0, 'offset_std_dev': 0.4}, None, None).query(10000) rfc = RF.FourPointDetector(recorder=RF.LoopValueRecorder()) rfc.process(ts) rfc.recorder.collective Alternatively you can ask the recorder for a histogram matrix: .. jupyter-execute:: rfc.recorder.histogram(bins=16) We take four turning points into account to detect closed hysteresis loops. Consider four consecutive peak/valley points say, A, B, C, and D If B and C are contained within A and B, then a cycle is counted from B to C; otherwise no cycle is counted. i.e, If ``X ≥ Y AND Z ≥ Y`` then a cycle exist ``FROM = B`` and ``TO = C`` where, ranges ``X = |D–C|``, ``Y = |C–B|``, and ``Z = |B–A|`` :: Load ----------------------------- | x B F x --------/-\-----------------/----- | / \ x D / ------/-----\-/-\---------/------- | / C x \ / --\-/-------------\-----/--------- | x A \ / --------------------\-/----------- | x E ---------------------------------- | Time So, if a cycle exsist from B to C then delete these peaks from the turns array and perform next iteration by joining A&D else if no cylce exsists, then B would be the next strarting point. """
[docs] def __init__(self, recorder): """Instantiate a FourPointDetector. Parameters ---------- recorder : subclass of :class:`.AbstractRecorder` The recorder that the detector will report to. """ super().__init__(recorder)
[docs] def process(self, samples, flush=False): """Process a sample chunk. Parameters ---------- samples : array_like, shape (N, ) The samples to be processed flush : bool Whether to flush the cached values at the end. If ``flush=False``, the last value of a load sequence is cached for a subsequent call to ``process``, because it may or may not be a turning point of the sequence, which is only decided when the next data point arrives. Setting ``flush=True`` forces processing of the last value. When ``process`` is called again afterwards with new data, two increasing or decreasing values in a row might have been processed, as opposed to only turning points of the sequence. Example: a) process([1, 2], flush=False) # processes 1 process([3, 1], flush=True) # processes 3, 1 -> processed sequence is [1,3,1], only turning points b) process([1, 2], flush=True) # processes 1, 2 process([3, 1], flush=True) # processes 3, 1 -> processed sequence is [1,2,3,1], "," is not a turning point c) process([1, 2]) # processes 1 process([3, 1]) # processes 3 -> processed sequence is [1,3], end ("1") is missing d) process([1, 2]) # processes 1 process([3, 1]) # processes 3 flush() # process 1 -> processed sequence is [1,3,1] Returns ------- self : FourPointDetector The ``self`` object so that processing can be chained """ residuals = samples[:1] if self._residuals.size == 0 else self._residuals[:-1] turns_index, turns_values = self._new_turns(samples, flush) turns_np = np.concatenate((residuals, turns_values, samples[-1:])) turns_index = np.concatenate((self._residual_index, turns_index)) turns = turns_np from_vals = [] to_vals = [] from_index = [] to_index = [] residual_index = [0, 1] i = 2 while i < len(turns): if len(residual_index) < 3: residual_index.append(i) i += 1 continue a = turns_np[residual_index[-3]] b = turns_np[residual_index[-2]] c = turns_np[residual_index[-1]] d = turns_np[i] ab = np.abs(a - b) bc = np.abs(b - c) cd = np.abs(c - d) if bc <= ab and bc <= cd: from_vals.append(b) to_vals.append(c) idx_2 = turns_index[residual_index.pop()] idx_1 = turns_index[residual_index.pop()] from_index.append(idx_1) to_index.append(idx_2) continue residual_index.append(i) i += 1 self._recorder.record_values(from_vals, to_vals) self._recorder.record_index(from_index, to_index) self._residuals = turns_np[residual_index] self._residual_index = turns_index[residual_index[:-1]] self._recorder.report_chunk(len(samples)) return self