Source code for pylife.stress.equistress

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Equivalent Stresses

Library to calculate the equivalent stress values of a FEM stress tensor.

By now the following calculation methods are implemented:

* Principal stresses
* Maximum principal stress
* Minimum principal stress
* Absolute maximum principal stress
* Von Mises
* Signed von Mises, sign from trace
* Signed von Mises, sign from absolute maximum principal stress
* Tresca
* Signed Tresca, sign from trace
* Signed Tresca, sign from absolute maximum principal stress


__author__ = "Johannes Mueller, Vivien Le Baube et. al."
__maintainer__ = "Johannes Mueller"

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pylife.stress import stresssignal

[docs] def eigenval(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate eigenvalues of a symmetric 3D tensor. Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Array containing eigenvalues sorted in ascending order. Shape is (length of components, 3) or simply 3 if components are single values. """ a = np.array([[s11, s12, s13], [s12, s22, s23], [s13, s23, s33]]).T return np.linalg.eigvalsh(a)
def _sign_trace(s11, s22, s33): """Calculate sign of trace. Sign of 0 is set to 1. Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Array containing sign of trace. Shape is the same as the components. """ s11 = np.array(s11) s22 = np.array(s22) s33 = np.array(s33) assert (s11.shape == s22.shape and s11.shape == s33.shape), "Components' shape is not consistent." sgn = np.sign(s11 + s22 + s33) # calculate sign of trace, careful: sign of 0 is 0 if sgn.ndim == 0: if sgn == 0: sgn = np.array(1) else: sgn[sgn == 0] = 1 return sgn def _sign_abs_max_principal(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate sign of absolute maximum principal stress. Sign of 0 is set to 1. Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Array containing sign of absolute maximum principal stress. Shape is the same as the components. """ w = eigenval(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23).T w_max = np.amax(w, axis=0) w_min = np.amin(w, axis=0) sgn = np.sign(w_max + w_min) # sign of 0 is 0, replace it with 1 zero_sign_bool = np.array(sgn == 0, dtype=int) sgn = sgn + zero_sign_bool # works for all dimensions, no need to differentiate value from array. return sgn
[docs] def tresca(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate equivalent stress according to Tresca. Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Equivalent Tresca stress. Shape is the same as the components. """ w = eigenval(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23).T w_diff = np.zeros(w.shape) w_diff[0] = np.fabs(w[0] - w[1]) w_diff[1] = np.fabs(w[0] - w[2]) w_diff[2] = np.fabs(w[1] - w[2]) return np.amax(w_diff, axis=0)
[docs] def signed_tresca_trace(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate equivalent stress according to Tresca, signed with the sign of the trace (i.e s11 + s22 + s33). Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Signed Tresca equivalent stress. Shape is the same as the components. """ return _sign_trace(s11, s22, s33) * tresca(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23)
[docs] def signed_tresca_abs_max_principal(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate equivalent stress according to Tresca, signed with the sign of the absolute maximum principal stress. Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Signed Tresca equivalent stress. Shape is the same as the components. """ return _sign_abs_max_principal(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23) * tresca(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23)
[docs] def abs_max_principal(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate absolute maximum principal stress (maximum of absolute eigenvalues with corresponding sign). Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Absolute maximum principal stress. Shape is the same as the components. """ w = eigenval(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23).T w_max = np.amax(w, axis=0) w_min = np.amin(w, axis=0) sign = _sign_abs_max_principal(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23) positive_sign_bool = np.array(sign >= 0) return w_max * positive_sign_bool + w_min * np.invert(positive_sign_bool)
[docs] def principals(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate all principal stress components (eigenvalues). Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: All principal stresses. Shape `(..., 3)`. """ return eigenval(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23)
[docs] def max_principal(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate maximum principal stress (maximum of eigenvalues). Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Maximum principal stress. Shape is the same as the components. """ w = eigenval(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23).T return np.amax(w, axis=0)
[docs] def min_principal(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate minimum principal stress (minimum of eigenvalues). Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Minimum principal stress. Shape is the same as the components. """ w = eigenval(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23).T return np.amin(w, axis=0)
[docs] def mises(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate equivalent stress according to von Mises. Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Von Mises equivalent stress. Shape is the same as the components. Raises ------ AssertionError Components' shape is not consistent. """ s11 = np.array(s11) s22 = np.array(s22) s33 = np.array(s33) s12 = np.array(s12) s13 = np.array(s13) s23 = np.array(s23) assert (s11.shape == s22.shape and s11.shape == s33.shape and s11.shape == s12.shape and s11.shape == s13.shape and s11.shape == s23.shape), "Components' shape is not consistent." mises_stress = np.sqrt(s11 ** 2 + s22 ** 2 + s33 ** 2 - s11 * s22 - s11 * s33 - s22 * s33 + 3 * (s12 ** 2 + s13 ** 2 + s23 ** 2)) return mises_stress
[docs] def signed_mises_trace(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate equivalent stress according to von Mises, signed with the sign of the trace (i.e s11 + s22 + s33). Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Signed von Mises equivalent stress. Shape is the same as the components. """ return _sign_trace(s11, s22, s33) * mises(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23)
[docs] def signed_mises_abs_max_principal(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23): """Calculate equivalent stress according to von Mises, signed with the sign of the absolute maximum principal stress. Parameters ---------- s11: array_like Component 11 of 3D tensor. s22: array_like Component 22 of 3D tensor. s33: array_like Component 33 of 3D tensor. s12: array_like Component 12 of 3D tensor. s13: array_like Component 13 of 3D tensor. s23: array_like Component 23 of 3D tensor. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Signed von Mises equivalent stress. Shape is the same as the components. """ return _sign_abs_max_principal(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23) * mises(s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23)
[docs] @pd.api.extensions.register_dataframe_accessor("equistress") class StressTensorEquistress(stresssignal.StressTensorVoigt):
[docs] def tresca(self): return pd.Series(tresca(s11=self._obj['S11'].to_numpy(), s22=self._obj['S22'].to_numpy(), s33=self._obj['S33'].to_numpy(), s12=self._obj['S12'].to_numpy(), s13=self._obj['S13'].to_numpy(), s23=self._obj['S23'].to_numpy()), name='tresca', index=self._obj.index)
[docs] def signed_tresca_trace(self): return pd.Series(signed_tresca_trace(s11=self._obj['S11'].to_numpy(), s22=self._obj['S22'].to_numpy(), s33=self._obj['S33'].to_numpy(), s12=self._obj['S12'].to_numpy(), s13=self._obj['S13'].to_numpy(), s23=self._obj['S23'].to_numpy()), name='signed_tresca_trace', index=self._obj.index)
[docs] def signed_tresca_abs_max_principal(self): return pd.Series(signed_tresca_abs_max_principal(s11=self._obj['S11'].to_numpy(), s22=self._obj['S22'].to_numpy(), s33=self._obj['S33'].to_numpy(), s12=self._obj['S12'].to_numpy(), s13=self._obj['S13'].to_numpy(), s23=self._obj['S23'].to_numpy()), name='signed_tresca_abs_max_principal', index=self._obj.index)
[docs] def principals(self): all_princ = eigenval(s11=self._obj['S11'].to_numpy(), # ascending order (numpy.eigvalsh) s22=self._obj['S22'].to_numpy(), s33=self._obj['S33'].to_numpy(), s12=self._obj['S12'].to_numpy(), s13=self._obj['S13'].to_numpy(), s23=self._obj['S23'].to_numpy()) return pd.DataFrame({'min_principal': all_princ[...,0], 'med_principal': all_princ[...,1], 'max_principal': all_princ[...,2]}, index=self._obj.index)
[docs] def abs_max_principal(self): return pd.Series(abs_max_principal(s11=self._obj['S11'].to_numpy(), s22=self._obj['S22'].to_numpy(), s33=self._obj['S33'].to_numpy(), s12=self._obj['S12'].to_numpy(), s13=self._obj['S13'].to_numpy(), s23=self._obj['S23'].to_numpy()), name='abs_max_principal', index=self._obj.index)
[docs] def max_principal(self): return pd.Series(max_principal(s11=self._obj['S11'].to_numpy(), s22=self._obj['S22'].to_numpy(), s33=self._obj['S33'].to_numpy(), s12=self._obj['S12'].to_numpy(), s13=self._obj['S13'].to_numpy(), s23=self._obj['S23'].to_numpy()), name='max_principal', index=self._obj.index)
[docs] def min_principal(self): return pd.Series(min_principal(s11=self._obj['S11'].to_numpy(), s22=self._obj['S22'].to_numpy(), s33=self._obj['S33'].to_numpy(), s12=self._obj['S12'].to_numpy(), s13=self._obj['S13'].to_numpy(), s23=self._obj['S23'].to_numpy()), name='min_principal', index=self._obj.index)
[docs] def mises(self): return pd.Series(mises(s11=self._obj['S11'].to_numpy(), s22=self._obj['S22'].to_numpy(), s33=self._obj['S33'].to_numpy(), s12=self._obj['S12'].to_numpy(), s13=self._obj['S13'].to_numpy(), s23=self._obj['S23'].to_numpy()), name='mises', index=self._obj.index)
[docs] def signed_mises_trace(self): return pd.Series(signed_mises_trace(s11=self._obj['S11'].to_numpy(), s22=self._obj['S22'].to_numpy(), s33=self._obj['S33'].to_numpy(), s12=self._obj['S12'].to_numpy(), s13=self._obj['S13'].to_numpy(), s23=self._obj['S23'].to_numpy()), name='signed_mises_trace', index=self._obj.index)
[docs] def signed_mises_abs_max_principal(self): return pd.Series(signed_mises_abs_max_principal(s11=self._obj['S11'].to_numpy(), s22=self._obj['S22'].to_numpy(), s33=self._obj['S33'].to_numpy(), s12=self._obj['S12'].to_numpy(), s13=self._obj['S13'].to_numpy(), s23=self._obj['S23'].to_numpy()), name='signed_mises_abs_max_principal', index=self._obj.index)