Source code for pylife.strength.meanstress

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Meanstress routines

Mean stress transformation methods

* FKM Goodman
* Five Segment Correction


__author__ = "Johannes Mueller, Lena Rapp"
__maintainer__ = "Johannes Mueller"

from import Iterable
import operator as op

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pylife import PylifeSignal, Broadcaster
import pylife.stress.collective as CL

[docs] @pd.api.extensions.register_series_accessor('haigh_diagram') class HaighDiagram(PylifeSignal): """Model for a Haigh diagram in order to perform meanstress transformations. A Haigh diagram a set of meanstress sensitivity slopes $M$ that is changing with the R-values. The values of the ```pd.Series`` represents that slopes $M$ and the `pd.IntervalIndex` represents the R-ranges. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, segments_dict): """Create a Haigh diagram from a dict. Parameters ---------- segments_dict : dict dict resolving the R-value intervals to the meanstress slope Example ------- >>> hd = MST.HaighDiagram.from_dict({ >>> (1.0, np.inf): 0.0, >>> (-np.inf, 0.0): 0.5, >>> (0.0, 1.0): 0.167 >>> }) sets up a FKM Goodman like Haigh diagram. """ vals = np.array(list(segments_dict.values())) idx = pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples(list(segments_dict.keys()), name='R') return HaighDiagram(pd.Series(vals, index=idx))
[docs] @classmethod def fkm_goodman(cls, haigh_fkm_goodman): """Create a Haigh diagram according to FKM Goodman. Parameters ---------- haigh_fkm_goodman : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame a series containing one or a dataframe containing multiple values for `M` and optionally `M2`. The Haigh diagram according to FKM Goodman comes with the slope ``M`` which is valid between ``R==-inf`` and ``R==0``. Beyond ``R==0`` the slope is ``M2` if ``M2`` is given or ``M/3`` if not. """ if 'M2' not in haigh_fkm_goodman: haigh_fkm_goodman['M2'] = haigh_fkm_goodman['M'] / 3.0 M = haigh_fkm_goodman.M M2 = haigh_fkm_goodman.M2 interval_index = pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(1.0, np.inf), (-np.inf, 0.0), (0.0, 1.)], name='R') if isinstance(haigh_fkm_goodman, pd.Series): haigh_index = interval_index dummy_index = pd.Index([0, 1, 2], name='R') else: haigh_frame, _ = Broadcaster(haigh_fkm_goodman.index.to_frame()).broadcast(interval_index.to_frame()) haigh_index = haigh_frame.index dummy_index = pd.Index([0, 1, 2] * len(haigh_fkm_goodman), name='R') haigh = pd.Series(0.0, index=dummy_index) R_index = haigh.index.get_level_values('R') haigh.iloc[R_index.get_indexer_for([1])] = M haigh.iloc[R_index.get_indexer_for([2])] = M2 haigh.index = haigh_index return cls(haigh)
[docs] @classmethod def five_segment(cls, five_segment_haigh_diagram): """Create a five segment slope Haigh diagram. Parameters ---------- five_segment_haigh_diagram : :class:`pandas.Series` or :class:`pandas.DataFrame` The five segment meanstress slope data. Notes ----- ``five_segment_hagih_diagram`` has to provide the following keys: * ``M0``: the mean stress sensitivity between ``R==-inf`` and ``R==0`` * ``M1``: the mean stress sensitivity between ``R==0`` and ``R==R12`` * ``M2``: the mean stress sensitivity betwenn ``R==R12`` and ``R==R23`` * ``M3``: the mean stress sensitivity between ``R==R23`` and ``R==1`` * ``M4``: the mean stress sensitivity beyond ``R==1`` * ``R12``: R-value between ``M1`` and ``M2`` * ``R23``: R-value between ``M2`` and ``M3`` """ was_series = isinstance(five_segment_haigh_diagram, pd.Series) if was_series: five_segment_haigh_diagram = pd.DataFrame(five_segment_haigh_diagram).T index_names = five_segment_haigh_diagram.index.names + ['R'] def make_index(h): orig_index = [] if not isinstance(, Iterable) else list( return pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([ tuple(orig_index + [pd.Interval(1.0, np.inf)]), tuple(orig_index + [pd.Interval(-np.inf, 0.)]), tuple(orig_index + [pd.Interval(0., h.R12)]), tuple(orig_index + [pd.Interval(h.R12, h.R23)]), tuple(orig_index + [pd.Interval(h.R23, 1.)]), ], names=index_names).to_frame() haigh_index = pd.concat(list(five_segment_haigh_diagram.apply(make_index, axis=1))).index haigh = pd.Series(0.0, index=haigh_index) R_index = haigh.index.get_level_values('R') h, _ = Broadcaster(haigh).broadcast(five_segment_haigh_diagram) M4_locs = R_index.get_indexer_for([pd.Interval(1.0, np.inf)]) M0_locs = R_index.get_indexer_for([pd.Interval(-np.inf, 0.)]) M1_locs = R_index.get_indexer_for([pd.Interval(0., R12) for R12 in h.R12]) M2_locs = R_index.get_indexer_for([pd.Interval(R12, R23) for R12, R23 in zip(h.R12, h.R23)]) M3_locs = R_index.get_indexer_for([pd.Interval(R23, 1.) for R23 in h.R23]) haigh.iloc[M4_locs] = h.M4.iloc[M4_locs] haigh.iloc[M0_locs] = h.M0.iloc[M0_locs] haigh.iloc[M1_locs] = h.M1.iloc[M1_locs] haigh.iloc[M2_locs] = h.M2.iloc[M2_locs] haigh.iloc[M3_locs] = h.M3.iloc[M3_locs] if was_series: haigh = haigh.xs(0) return cls(haigh)
[docs] def transform(self, cycles, R_goal): """Transform a load collective to defined R-value. Parameters ---------- cycles : :class:`pd.Series` accepted by class:``LoadCollective` or class:`LoadHistogram`` The load collective Returns ------- transformed_cycles : :class:`pd.Series` The transformed cycles """ cycles, obj = self.broadcast(cycles, droplevel=['R']) transformer = _SegmentTransformer(cycles, obj, self._R_index, R_goal) for interval in transformer.segments_left_from_R_goal(): interval_boundary = interval.right if interval.right < 1.0 else interval.left transformer.transform_cycles_in_interval(interval, interval_boundary) for interval in transformer.segments_right_from_R_goal(): transformer.transform_cycles_in_interval(interval, interval.left) for interval in transformer.segments_containing_R_goal(): transformer.transform_cycles_in_interval(interval, R_goal) transfomed_cycles = transformer.transformed_cycles res = pd.DataFrame({ 'range': 2. * transfomed_cycles.amplitude, 'mean': transfomed_cycles.amplitude * ((1.+transfomed_cycles.R)/(1.-transfomed_cycles.R)).fillna(-1.0) }, index=cycles.index) return res
def _validate(self): def has_gaps(idx): if len(idx) <= 1: return False return (pd.DataFrame({'l': idx.left[1:], 'r': idx.right[:-1]}) .apply(lambda r: r.l != r.r and not (r.l == -np.inf and r.r == np.inf), axis=1) .any()) self._R_index = self._find_R_index() if self._check_if_R_index(lambda idx: idx.is_overlapping): raise AttributeError("The intervals of the 'R' IntervalIndex must not overlap.") if self._check_if_R_index(has_gaps): raise AttributeError("The intervals of the 'R' IntervalIndex must not have gaps.") def _find_R_index(self): if 'R' not in self._obj.index.names: raise AttributeError("A Haigh Diagram needs an index level 'R'.") if isinstance(self._obj.index, pd.MultiIndex): R_index = self._obj.index.unique('R') else: R_index = self._obj.index if not isinstance(R_index, pd.IntervalIndex): raise AttributeError("The 'R' index must be an IntervalIndex.") return R_index def _check_if_R_index(self, check_func): if isinstance(self._obj.index, pd.IntervalIndex): return check_func(self._obj.index) all_but_R = filter(lambda n: n != 'R', map(lambda n: n or 0, self._obj.index.names)) return (self._obj.index.to_frame(index=False).groupby(list(all_but_R)) .apply(lambda g: check_func(g.set_index('R').index)) .any())
class _SegmentTransformer: def __init__(self, cycles, haigh, R_segments, R_goal): rf = cycles.load_collective self.transformed_cycles = pd.DataFrame({ 'amplitude': rf.amplitude, 'R': rf.R }, index=cycles.index) self._haigh = haigh self._R_index = R_segments self._R_goal = R_goal self._distances = self._distance_from_R_goal() def segments_left_from_R_goal(self): return self._distances[self._distances < 0.].sort_values(ascending=True).index def segments_right_from_R_goal(self): return self._distances[self._distances > 0.].sort_values(ascending=False).index def segments_containing_R_goal(self): goal_segments = self._R_index.contains(self._R_goal) if not goal_segments.any(): goal_segments = self._R_index.set_closed('left').contains(self._R_goal) return self._R_index[goal_segments] def _distance_from_R_goal(self): def fake_meanstress(R): return (1.+R)/(1.-R) meanstress = fake_meanstress(self._R_index.mid).fillna(-1.0) meanstress_goal = -1.0 if self._R_goal == -np.inf else fake_meanstress(self._R_goal) return pd.Series(meanstress.values - meanstress_goal, index=self._R_index) def transform_cycles_in_interval(self, interval, R_goal): def push_over_flipping_point(R): if R == -np.inf and R_goal > 1.0: return np.inf if R == np.inf and R_goal < 1.0: return -np.inf return R def cycles_in_current_interval(): R = self.transformed_cycles.R.apply(push_over_flipping_point) test_interval = pd.Interval(interval.left, interval.right, closed='both') return R.apply(lambda R: R in test_interval) def cycles_in_current_segments(in_test_interval, segments_index): in_segments_index = pd.Series(False, index=self.transformed_cycles.index) in_segments_index[segments_index] = True return in_test_interval & in_segments_index def meanstress_sensitivity_segments_of_current_interval(): return self._haigh.xs(interval, level='R') def transformed_amplitude(): rf = self.transformed_cycles.loc[to_shift] amp = rf.amplitude mean = amp * (1.+rf.R)/(1.-rf.R) mean[rf.R == -np.inf] = -amp[rf.R == -np.inf] mean[rf.R == 1.0] = -amp[rf.R == 1.0] if R_goal == -np.inf: trans_amp = (amp + M * mean) / (1. - M) else: trans_amp = (1. - R_goal) * (amp + M*mean) / (1. - R_goal + M*(1.+R_goal)) return trans_amp.fillna(0.0) to_shift = cycles_in_current_interval() if not to_shift.any(): return M = meanstress_sensitivity_segments_of_current_interval() to_shift = cycles_in_current_segments(to_shift, M.index) if not to_shift.any(): return if R_goal == 1.0: R_goal = -np.inf self.transformed_cycles.loc[to_shift, 'amplitude'] = transformed_amplitude() self.transformed_cycles.loc[to_shift, 'R'] = R_goal
[docs] def experimental_mean_stress_sensitivity(sn_curve_R0, sn_curve_Rn1, N_c=np.inf): r"""Estimate the mean stress sensitivity from two `FiniteLifeCurve` objects for the same amount of cycles `N_c`. The formula for calculation is taken from: "Betriebsfestigkeit", Haibach, 3. Auflage 2006 Formula (2.1-24): .. math:: M_{\sigma} = {S_a}^{R=-1}(N_c) / {S_a}^{R=0}(N_c) - 1 Alternatively the mean stress sensitivity is calculated based on both SD values (if N_c is not given). Parameters ---------- sn_curve_R0: pylife.strength.sn_curve.FiniteLifeCurve Instance of FiniteLifeCurve for R == 0 sn_curve_Rn1: pylife.strength.sn_curve.FiniteLifeCurve Instance of FiniteLifeCurve for R == -1 N_c: float, (default=np.inf) Amount of cycles where the amplitudes should be compared. If N_c is higher than a fatigue transition point (ND) for the SN-Curves, SD is taken. If N_c is None, SD values are taken as stress amplitudes instead. Returns ------- float Mean stress sensitivity M_sigma Raises ------ ValueError if the resulting M_sigma doesn't lie in the range from 0 to 1 a ValueError is raised, as this value would suggest higher strength with additional loads. """ S_a_R0 = sn_curve_R0.woehler.basquin_load(N_c) if N_c < sn_curve_R0.ND else sn_curve_R0.SD S_a_Rn1 = sn_curve_Rn1.woehler.basquin_load(N_c) if N_c < sn_curve_Rn1.ND else sn_curve_Rn1.SD M_sigma = S_a_Rn1 / S_a_R0 - 1 if not 0 <= M_sigma <= 1: raise ValueError("M_sigma: %.2f exceeds the interval [0, 1] which is not plausible." % M_sigma) return M_sigma
[docs] @pd.api.extensions.register_dataframe_accessor('meanstress_transform') class MeanstressTransformCollective(CL.LoadCollective):
[docs] def fkm_goodman(self, ms_sens, R_goal): hd = HaighDiagram.fkm_goodman(ms_sens) res = hd.transform(self._obj, R_goal) return res.load_collective
[docs] def five_segment(self, haigh, R_goal): hd = HaighDiagram.five_segment(haigh) res = hd.transform(self._obj, R_goal) return res.load_collective
[docs] @pd.api.extensions.register_series_accessor('meanstress_transform') class MeanstressTransformMatrix(CL.LoadHistogram): def _validate(self): super()._validate() if set(self._obj.index.names).issuperset({'from', 'to'}): f = self._obj.index.get_level_values('from').mid t = self._obj.index.get_level_values('to').mid self._Sa = np.abs(f-t)/2. self._Sm = (f+t)/2. self._binsize_x = self._obj.index.get_level_values('from').length.min() self._binsize_y = self._obj.index.get_level_values('to').length.min() self._remaining_names = list(filter(lambda n: n not in ['from', 'to'], self._obj.index.names)) else: self._Sa = self._obj.index.get_level_values('range').mid / 2. self._Sm = self._obj.index.get_level_values('mean').mid self._binsize_x = self._obj.index.get_level_values('range').length.min() self._binsize_y = self._obj.index.get_level_values('mean').length.min() self._remaining_names = list(filter(lambda n: n not in ['range', 'mean'], self._obj.index.names))
[docs] def fkm_goodman(self, haigh, R_goal): ranges = HaighDiagram.fkm_goodman(haigh).transform(self._obj, R_goal)['range'] return self._rebin_results(ranges).load_collective
def _rebin_results(self, ranges): def resulting_intervals(): ranges_max = ranges.max() binsize = np.hypot(self._binsize_x, self._binsize_y) / np.sqrt(2.) bincount = int(np.ceil(ranges_max / binsize)) return pd.IntervalIndex.from_breaks(np.linspace(0, ranges_max, bincount+1), name="range") def aggregate_on_projection(projection, itvs, ranges, obj): level_values = tuple(projection) level_names = list(projection.index) ranges = ranges.xs(level_values, level=level_names) obj = obj.xs(level_values, level=level_names) sums = ( itvs .to_series() .apply(lambda iv: sum_intervals(iv, ranges, obj)) ) return sums def sum_intervals(iv, ranges, obj): op_left = if iv.left == 0.0 else return obj.iloc[op_left(ranges.values, iv.left) & op.le(ranges.values, iv.right)].sum() if ranges.shape[0] == 0: new_idx = pd.IntervalIndex(pd.interval_range(0., 0., 0), name='range') return pd.Series([], index=new_idx, name='cycles', dtype=np.float64) intv_idx = resulting_intervals() if len(self._remaining_names) > 0: remaining_idx = self._obj.index.to_frame(index=False).groupby(self._remaining_names).first().index result = ( remaining_idx.to_frame(index=False) .apply(lambda p: aggregate_on_projection(p, intv_idx, ranges, self._obj), axis=1) ) result.index = remaining_idx result = result.stack().reorder_levels(['range'] + self._remaining_names) else: result = intv_idx.to_series().apply(lambda iv: sum_intervals(iv, ranges, self._obj)) return result
[docs] def fkm_goodman(amplitude, meanstress, M, M2, R_goal): cycles = pd.DataFrame({ 'range': 2.*amplitude, 'mean': meanstress }) haigh_fkm_goodman = pd.Series({ 'M': M, 'M2': M2 }) hd = HaighDiagram.fkm_goodman(haigh_fkm_goodman) res = hd.transform(cycles, R_goal) return res.load_collective.amplitude.to_numpy()
[docs] def five_segment_correction(amplitude, meanstress, M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, R12, R23, R_goal): ''' Performs a mean stress transformation to R_goal according to the Five Segment Mean Stress Correction :param Sa: the stress amplitude :param Sm: the mean stress :param Rgoal: the R-value to transform to :param M: the mean stress sensitivity between R=-inf and R=0 :param M1: the mean stress sensitivity between R=0 and R=R12 :param M2: the mean stress sensitivity betwenn R=R12 and R=R23 :param M3: the mean stress sensitivity between R=R23 and R=1 :param M4: the mean stress sensitivity beyond R=1 :param R12: R-value between M1 and M2 :param R23: R-value between M2 and M3 :returns: the transformed stress range ''' cycles = pd.DataFrame({ 'range': 2.*amplitude, 'mean': meanstress }) haigh_five_segment = pd.Series({ 'M0': M0, 'M1': M1, 'M2': M2, 'M3': M3, 'M4': M4, 'R12': R12, 'R23': R23 }) hd = HaighDiagram.five_segment(haigh_five_segment) res = hd.transform(cycles, R_goal) return res.load_collective.amplitude.to_numpy()