Source code for pylife.strength.damage_parameter

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__author__ = "Benjamin Maier"
__maintainer__ = __author__

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.optimize

import pylife.strength.fkm_nonlinear
import pylife.materiallaws.rambgood
import pylife.strength.woehler_fkm_nonlinear

[docs] class P_RAM: """This class implements the damage parameter P_RAM according to guideline FKM nonlinear. The resulting values are added to the collective in a new column, which can be retrieved by the ``.collective`` accessor. """ def __init__(self, collective, assessment_parameters): """Initialize the P_RAM object and compute the damage parameter P_RAM according to FKM nonlinear. The resulting values are added to the collective, which can be retrieved by the ``.collective`` accessor. Parameters ---------- collective : pandas DataFrame A load collective with stress and strain amplitude and mean stress, resulting from two runs of the HCM algorithm and computed by the FKMNonlinearRecorder. Every row corresponds to one closed hysteresis. More specifically, the table has to contain the following columns: * ``S_a``: the stress amplitude of the hysteresis * ``S_m``: the mean stress of the hysteresis * ``epsilon_a`` the strain amplitude of the hysteresis assessment_parameters : pandas Series All material parameters collected so far. Has to contain the ``R_m`` and ``E`` entries. Returns ------- None. """ self._collective = collective.copy() self._assessment_parameters = assessment_parameters # select set of constants according to given material group self._constants = pylife.strength.fkm_nonlinear.constants.for_material_group(assessment_parameters) # check if collective contains required columns assert "S_a" in self._collective.columns assert "S_m" in self._collective.columns assert "epsilon_a" in self._collective.columns # check if the required material parameters are present assert "R_m" in self._assessment_parameters assert "E" in self._assessment_parameters self._compute_values() @property def collective(self): return self._collective def _compute_values(self): """Compute the P_RAM damage parameter according to FKM nonlinear. """ # determine R_m from HV, if not given directly if "R_m" in self._assessment_parameters: R_m = self._assessment_parameters.R_m # compute M_σ according to eq. (2.6-84) self._M_sigma = self._constants.a_M * 1e-3 * R_m + self._constants.b_M # compute k according to eq. (2.6-83) self._collective["k"] = 0 self._collective.loc[self._collective["S_m"]>=0, "k"] = self._M_sigma * (self._M_sigma + 2) self._collective.loc[self._collective["S_m"]<0, "k"] = self._M_sigma/3 * (self._M_sigma/3 + 2) # compute (σ_a + k*σ_m) self._collective["discriminant"] = self._collective["S_a"] + self._collective["k"]*self._collective["S_m"] # compute P_RAM according to eq. (2.6-82) self._collective["P_RAM"] = np.where(self._collective["discriminant"] >= 0, np.sqrt(self._collective["discriminant"] * self._collective["epsilon_a"] * self._assessment_parameters.E), 0) # delete temporary columns self._collective.drop(columns = ["discriminant", "k"], inplace=True)
[docs] class P_RAJ: """This class implements the damage parameter P_RAJ according to guideline FKM nonlinear. The resulting values are added to the collective in a new column, which can be retrieved by the ``.collective`` accessor. """ def __init__(self, collective, assessment_parameters, component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ): """Initialize the P_RAJ object and compute the damage parameter P_RAJ according to FKM nonlinear. The resulting values are added to the collective, which can be retrieved by the ``.collective`` accessor. Parameters ---------- collective : pandas DataFrame A load collective with stress and strain amplitude and mean stress, resulting from two runs of the HCM algorithm and computed by the FKMNonlinearRecorder. Every row corresponds to one closed hysteresis. More specifically, the table has to contain the following columns: * ``S_a``: the stress amplitude of the hysteresis * ``S_m``: the mean stress of the hysteresis * ``epsilon_a``: the strain amplitude of the hysteresis * ``is_closed_hysteresis``: whether the hysteresis is closed and counts as full damage * ``run_index``: which run of the HCM algorithm the hysteresis belows to, has to be one of {1,2}. assessment_parameters : pandas Series All material and assessment parameters collected so far. Has to contain entries for ``R_m``, ``E``, ``n_prime``, ``K_prime``. component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ : class WoehlerCurvePRAJ The woehler curve, which can be obtained using the ``woehler_P_RAJ`` accessor as follows: .. code:: python component_woehler_curve_parameters = assessment_parameters[["P_RAJ_Z", "P_RAJ_D_0", "d_RAJ"]] component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ = component_woehler_curve_parameters.woehler_P_RAJ Returns ------- None. """ self._collective = collective.copy() self._assessment_parameters = assessment_parameters self._component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ = component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ self._P_RAJ_Z = self._component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ.P_RAJ_Z self._P_RAJ_D_0 = self._component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ.fatigue_strength_limit # select set of constants according to given material group self._constants = pylife.strength.fkm_nonlinear.constants.for_material_group(assessment_parameters) # check if collective contains required columns assert "S_a" in self._collective.columns assert "S_m" in self._collective.columns assert "epsilon_a" in self._collective.columns assert "is_closed_hysteresis" in self._collective.columns assert "run_index" in self._collective.columns # if assessment is done for multiple points at once, work with a multi-indexed data frame if not isinstance(self._collective.index, pd.MultiIndex): n_hystereses = len(self._collective) self._collective.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([range(n_hystereses), [0]], names=["hysteresis_index", "assessment_point_index"]) # assert that the index contains the two columns "hysteresis_index" and "assessment_point_index" assert self._collective.index.names == ["hysteresis_index", "assessment_point_index"] assert (self._collective.run_index.unique() == np.array([1,2])).all() or (self._collective.run_index.unique() == np.array([2])).all() # check if the required material parameters are present assert "R_m" in self._assessment_parameters assert "E" in self._assessment_parameters assert "n_prime" in self._assessment_parameters assert "K_prime" in self._assessment_parameters # remove any given index of f_RAM which results from the assessment_parameters.G parameter if isinstance(self._P_RAJ_Z, pd.Series): self._P_RAJ_Z.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if isinstance(self._P_RAJ_D_0, pd.Series): self._P_RAJ_D_0.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self._compute_values() @property def collective(self): return self._collective def _compute_values(self): """Compute the P_RAJ damage parameter according to FKM nonlinear. """ # compute the crack opening stress S_open (chapter for every hysteresis self._compute_S_open() # compute fictitious single-step crack opening strain, eq. (2.9-99) self._ramberg_osgood_relation = pylife.materiallaws.rambgood.RambergOsgood(E=self._assessment_parameters.E, K=self._assessment_parameters.K_prime, n=self._assessment_parameters.n_prime) self._collective["epsilon_open_ein"] = self._collective.epsilon_min + self._ramberg_osgood_relation.delta_strain(self._collective.S_open - self._collective.S_min) #self._collective["epsilon_open_ein2"] = self._collective.epsilon_min + (self._collective.S_open - self._collective.S_min) / self._assessment_parameters.E \ # + 2*np.power((self._collective.S_open - self._collective.S_min) / (2*self._assessment_parameters.K_prime), (1/self._assessment_parameters.n_prime)) # compute crack opening strain with history (chapter, chapter is better) self._compute_crack_opening_loop() # continue on p.133 (pdf) # delete temporary columns #self._collective.drop(columns = ["A_0", "A_1", "A_2", "A_3"], inplace=True) def _compute_S_open(self): """compute the crack opening stress S_open (chapter""" # determine R_m from HV, if not given directly if "R_m" in self._assessment_parameters: R_m = self._assessment_parameters.R_m # compute 0.2% yield strength and yield stress, eq. (2.8-64) self._assessment_parameters.R_p02 = 0.002**self._assessment_parameters.n_prime * self._assessment_parameters.K_prime self._assessment_parameters.S_F = 0.5 * (self._assessment_parameters.R_p02 + R_m) # compute M_σ according to eq. (2.6-84), (2.9-98) self._M_sigma = self._constants.a_M * 1e-3 * R_m + self._constants.b_M # compute mean stress parameter A_m, eq. (2.8-65) self._collective["A_m"] = np.where(self._collective.S_m < 0, 0.4 - self._M_sigma/4, 0.47 * (1 - 1.5*self._M_sigma) * (1+self._collective.R) ** (1+self._collective.R+self._M_sigma)) # compute coefficients according to eq. (2.8-63) self._collective["A_0"] = 0.535 * np.cos(np.pi/2 * self._collective.S_max / self._assessment_parameters.S_F) + self._collective.A_m self._collective["A_1"] = 0.344 * self._collective.S_max / self._assessment_parameters.S_F + self._collective.A_m self._collective["A_3"] = 2*self._collective.A_0 + self._collective.A_1 - 1 self._collective["A_2"] = 1 - self._collective.A_0 - self._collective.A_1 - self._collective.A_3 # compute crack opening stress self._collective["S_open_factor"] = np.where((0 <= self._collective.R) & (self._collective.R < 1), self._collective.A_0 + self._collective.A_1*self._collective.R + self._collective.A_2*self._collective.R**2 + self._collective.A_3*self._collective.R**3, np.where(self._collective.R < 0, self._collective.A_0 + self._collective.A_1*self._collective.R, 1) ) self._collective["S_open"] = self._collective.S_max * self._collective.S_open_factor # remove temporary columns self._collective.drop(columns=["A_0", "A_1", "A_2", "A_3", "S_open_factor"], inplace=True) def _calculate_P_RAJ(self, delta_S_eff, delta_epsilon_eff): """compute P_RAJ according to eq. 2.9-110""" P_RAJ = 1.24 * np.power(delta_S_eff,2) / self._assessment_parameters.E \ + 1.02 / np.sqrt(self._assessment_parameters.n_prime) * delta_S_eff \ * (delta_epsilon_eff - delta_S_eff/self._assessment_parameters.E) return P_RAJ def _calculate_fatigue_limit_variables(self, D_akt): """Compute a_0, delta_J_eff_th, P_RAJ_D""" # standard calculation of m according to eq. (2.8-60), (2.9-117) m = -1/self._component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ.d # eq. (2.8-59), (2.9-121) C = 1e-5 * (5e5)**m * (self._assessment_parameters.E) ** (-m) a_end = 0.5 # [mm] self._assessment_parameters.a_end = a_end # short initial crack length a0 # standard calculation according to eq. (2.8-58), (2.9-120) a_0 = (a_end**(1-m) - (1-m) * C * self._component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ.P_RAJ_Z ** m) ** (1 / (1-m)) self._assessment_parameters.a_0 = a_0 # eq. (2.9-118) delta_J_eff_th = self._assessment_parameters.E / 5e6 # eq. (2.9-116) denominator = ((a_end**(1-m) - a_0**(1-m)) * D_akt + a_0**(1-m)) ** (1/(1-m)) \ + delta_J_eff_th/self._component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ.fatigue_strength_limit - a_0 # update fatigue limit P_RAJ_D P_RAJ_D = delta_J_eff_th * 1 / denominator # for debugging, disable decrease of P_RAJ_D (uncomment next line) #P_RAJ_D = pd.Series(self._P_RAJ_D_0) return a_0, delta_J_eff_th, P_RAJ_D def _compute_crack_opening_loop(self): """compute crack opening strain with history (chapter, chapter is better)""" # initialize new columns in collective DataFrame self._collective["epsilon_open_alt"] = 0 self._collective["epsilon_open"] = 0 self._collective["P_RAJ"] = 0 self._collective["D"] = 0 self._collective["S_close"] = 0 self._collective["case_name"] = "" self._collective["epsilon_min_alt_SP"] = 0 self._collective["epsilon_max_alt_SP"] = 0 assessment_point_index = self._collective[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==0]\ .index.get_level_values("assessment_point_index") # initialize variables epsilon_open_alt = -np.inf # initialized according to 2.9.7 point 2 epsilon_open_alt = pd.Series(0, index=assessment_point_index) epsilon_min_alt_SP = pd.Series(np.infty, index=assessment_point_index) epsilon_max_alt_SP = pd.Series(-np.infty, index=assessment_point_index) epsilon_min_alt_SP = pd.Series(0, index=assessment_point_index) epsilon_max_alt_SP = pd.Series(0, index=assessment_point_index) # cumulative damage value D_akt = pd.Series(0, index=assessment_point_index) # initialize current fatigue limit P_RAJ_D = pd.Series(self._P_RAJ_D_0, index=assessment_point_index) # initialize helper variables epsilon_open = pd.Series(0, index=assessment_point_index) # Find the last hysteresis of the first run of the HCM algorithm. After this hysteresis, we need to initialize some variables for the second HCM run. last_index_of_first_run = self._collective[(self._collective["run_index"]==1) & (self._collective["run_index"].shift(-1)==2)].index # if there is no hysteresis in the first run of the HCM algorithm, precompute some required values # this is described in the correction document to the FKM nonlinear if len(last_index_of_first_run) == 0: # compute helper variables for fatigue limit a_0, delta_J_eff_th, _ = self._calculate_fatigue_limit_variables(D_akt) # eq. (2.9-124) l_star = delta_J_eff_th / self._P_RAJ_D_0 - a_0 self._assessment_parameters.l_star = l_star # eq. (2.9-123) self._assessment_parameters.P_RAJ_D_e = self._P_RAJ_D_0 * (a_0 + l_star) / (self._assessment_parameters.a_end + l_star) # compute maximum occuring P_RAJ max_abs_S_max = self._collective.S_max.abs().max() max_abs_S_min = self._collective.S_min.abs().max() maximum_abs_S = max(max_abs_S_max, max_abs_S_min) delta_stress = 2*maximum_abs_S delta_strain = self._ramberg_osgood_relation.delta_strain(delta_stress) # eq. (2.9-125) self._assessment_parameters.P_RAJ_klass_max = self._calculate_P_RAJ(delta_stress, delta_strain) else: last_index_of_first_run = last_index_of_first_run[0][0] # iterate over collected hystereses for index,group in self._collective.groupby("hysteresis_index"): # remove first index level, group is now indexed only by "assessment_point_index" group = group.droplevel("hysteresis_index") # create temporary series is_damage_in_current_hysteresis = pd.Series(True, index=assessment_point_index) case_name = pd.Series("", index=assessment_point_index) # --------------------------------------- # case 1: strain in entire hysteresis is lower than crack opening strain, crack does not open, no damage # if row.epsilon_max < epsilon_open_alt: condition_1 = group.epsilon_max < epsilon_open_alt # set case_name = "1" case_name.mask(condition_1, other="1", inplace=True) # set epsilon_open = epsilon_open_alt epsilon_open.mask(condition_1, other=epsilon_open_alt, inplace=True) # set is_damage_in_current_hysteresis = False is_damage_in_current_hysteresis.mask(condition_1, other=False, inplace=True) # --------------------------------------- # case 2 (a and b) # if row.epsilon_max < epsilon_open_alt: condition_2 = (~condition_1) & ((epsilon_max_alt_SP < group.epsilon_max_LF) \ | (epsilon_min_alt_SP > group.epsilon_min_LF)) # set case_name = "2" case_name.mask(condition_2, other="2", inplace=True) # set epsilon_open = row.epsilon_open_ein epsilon_open.mask(condition_2, other=group.epsilon_open_ein, inplace=True) # update values as described after eq. (2.9-102) epsilon_min_alt_SP.mask(condition_2, other=group.epsilon_min_LF, inplace=True) epsilon_max_alt_SP.mask(condition_2, other=group.epsilon_max_LF, inplace=True) # --------------------------------------- # case 3 # if row.epsilon_open_ein >= epsilon_open_alt: condition_3 = (~condition_2) & (~condition_1) \ & (group.epsilon_open_ein >= epsilon_open_alt) # set case_name = "3" case_name.mask(condition_3, other="3", inplace=True) # set epsilon_open = epsilon_open_alt epsilon_open.mask(condition_3, other=epsilon_open_alt, inplace=True) # --------------------------------------- # case 4 # if row.epsilon_open_ein < epsilon_open_alt: condition_4 = (~condition_3) & (~condition_2) & (~condition_1) \ & (group.epsilon_open_ein < epsilon_open_alt) # set case_name = "4" case_name.mask(condition_4, other="4", inplace=True) # case 4a # if row.S_a >= 0.4 * self._assessment_parameters.S_F: condition_4a = condition_4 & (group.S_a >= 0.4 * self._assessment_parameters.S_F) # set epsilon_open = row.epsilon_open_ein epsilon_open.mask(condition_4a, other=group.epsilon_open_ein, inplace=True) # case 4b condition_4b = condition_4 & (group.S_a < 0.4 * self._assessment_parameters.S_F) # set epsilon_open = epsilon_open_alt epsilon_open.mask(condition_4b, other=epsilon_open_alt, inplace=True) # --------------------------------------- # update epsilon_min_alt_SP and epsilon_max_alt_SP, as described in eq. (2.9-91), (2.9-92) condition = case_name.isin(["1", "3", "4"]) epsilon_min_alt_SP.mask(condition, other=np.minimum(epsilon_min_alt_SP, group.epsilon_min), inplace=True) epsilon_max_alt_SP.mask(condition, other=np.maximum(epsilon_max_alt_SP, group.epsilon_max), inplace=True) # set value of epsilon_open group.epsilon_open = epsilon_open.to_numpy() # store the new crack opening strain in the collective DataFrame self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"epsilon_open"] = epsilon_open.to_numpy() # store the used values of epsilon_min_alt self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"epsilon_min_alt_SP"] = epsilon_min_alt_SP.to_numpy() self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"epsilon_max_alt_SP"] = epsilon_max_alt_SP.to_numpy() self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"case_name"] = case_name.to_numpy() # compute the effective stress and strain ranges, delta_S_eff and delta_epsilon_eff, # of the hysteresis where the crack is open # compute crack closing stress, S_close def f(S_close, S_max, epsilon_max, epsilon_open): return self._ramberg_osgood_relation.delta_strain(S_max - S_close) - (epsilon_max - epsilon_open) def fprime(S_close, S_max, epsilon_max, epsilon_open): """ Note, the derivative of `ramberg_osgood_relation.delta_strain` is: d/dΔsigma delta_strain(Δsigma) = d/dΔsigma 2*strain(Δsigma/2) = 2*d/dΔsigma strain(Δsigma/2) = 2 * 1/2 * tangential_compliance(Δsigma/2) = ramberg_osgood_relation.tangential_compliance(delta_stress/2) """ delta_stress = S_max - S_close return -self._ramberg_osgood_relation.tangential_compliance(delta_stress/2) def optimize(row): if np.isnan(row.S_min): return np.nan return scipy.optimize.newton(f, x0=row.S_min, args=(row.S_max, row.epsilon_max, row.epsilon_open), fprime=fprime, full_output=False) # -- S_close = group.apply(optimize, axis="columns") # set S_close = S_min for epsilon_open < epsilon_min S_close.mask(epsilon_open < group.epsilon_min, other=group.S_min, inplace=True) # eq. (2.9-108) delta_S_eff = group.S_max - S_close # eq. (2.9-109) epsilon_close = epsilon_open # eq. (2.9-110) delta_epsilon_eff = np.where(epsilon_open < group.epsilon_min, group.epsilon_max - group.epsilon_min, # eq. (2.9-108) group.epsilon_max - epsilon_close) # store value in collective DataFrame for current hysteresis, this is only for debugging and could be removed for performance reasons self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"delta_S_eff"] = delta_S_eff.to_numpy() self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"delta_epsilon_eff"] = delta_epsilon_eff self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"S_close"] = S_close.to_numpy() self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"is_damage_in_current_hysteresis"] = is_damage_in_current_hysteresis.to_numpy() # if the crack was not entirely closed in the current hysteresis (which was case 1) # compute value of P_RAJ, eq. (2.9-110) P_RAJ = np.where(is_damage_in_current_hysteresis, self._calculate_P_RAJ(delta_S_eff, delta_epsilon_eff), 0) # store value in collective DataFrame for current hysteresis self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"P_RAJ"] = P_RAJ # update the infinite life limit self._component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ.update_P_RAJ_D(P_RAJ_D) # compute the lifetime using the component woehler curve N = self._component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ.calc_N(P_RAJ) # in the standard FKM nonlinear procedure, the above computation is equivalent to: #if P_RAJ > P_RAJ_D: # N = (P_RAJ / self._P_RAJ_Z) ** (1/self._component_woehler_curve_P_RAJ.d) #else: # N = np.inf # compute damage contribution D = np.where(group.is_closed_hysteresis, 1/N, 0.5/N) # store damage in collective self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"D"] = D # sum up cumulative damage D_akt += D # update the variable for the previous crack opening strain, epsilon_open_alt # This was already done for cases 1,2 and 4. # for case 3: condition = (case_name == "3") & (epsilon_open >= group.epsilon_min) & ~(np.isinf(N)) # update crack opening strain according to eq. (2.8-77), (2.9-115) # only if the crack opening strain is larger than the minimum strain of the hysteresis # for N = inf, epsilon_open_alt does not change (then, exp(0)=1, epsilon_open_alt=epsilon_open_alt) epsilon_open_alt.mask(condition, other=group.epsilon_open_ein - (group.epsilon_open_ein - epsilon_open_alt) * np.exp(-15 / N), inplace=True) # for the other cases 1,2, and 4: epsilon_open_alt.mask(case_name.isin(["1", "2", "4"]), other=epsilon_open, inplace=True) # store the value of epsilon_open_alt after it has been updated self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"epsilon_open_alt"] = epsilon_open_alt.to_numpy() # compute helper variables for fatigue limit a_0, delta_J_eff_th, P_RAJ_D = self._calculate_fatigue_limit_variables(D_akt) # store P_RAJ_D in collective DataFrame self._collective.loc[self._collective.index.get_level_values("hysteresis_index")==index,"P_RAJ_D"] = P_RAJ_D.to_numpy() # initializations for the second run, # only execute once at the end of the first run if index == last_index_of_first_run: # eq. (2.9-124) l_star = delta_J_eff_th / self._P_RAJ_D_0 - a_0 self._assessment_parameters.l_star = l_star # eq. (2.9-123) self._assessment_parameters.P_RAJ_D_e = self._P_RAJ_D_0 * (a_0 + l_star) / (self._assessment_parameters.a_end + l_star) # compute maximum occuring P_RAJ max_abs_S_max = self._collective.S_max.abs().max() max_abs_S_min = self._collective.S_min.abs().max() maximum_abs_S = max(max_abs_S_max, max_abs_S_min) delta_stress = 2*maximum_abs_S delta_strain = self._ramberg_osgood_relation.delta_strain(delta_stress) # eq. (2.9-125) self._assessment_parameters.P_RAJ_klass_max = self._calculate_P_RAJ(delta_stress, delta_strain)