Source code for pylife.mesh.surface

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# see the NOTICE file and/or the repository
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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__author__ = "Benjamin Maier"
__maintainer__ = "Johannes Mueller"

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg

from .meshsignal import Mesh

[docs] @pd.api.extensions.register_dataframe_accessor('surface_3D') class Surface3D(Mesh): '''Determines nodes at the surface in a 3D mesh. It also computes the outward normal vectors of the surface. Raises ------ AttributeError if at least one of the columns `x`, `y`, `z` is missing AttributeError if the index of the DataFrame is not a two level MultiIndex with the names `node_id` and `element_id` ''' def _solid_angle(self, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3): p0 = np.array([x0, y0, z0]).T p1 = np.array([x1, y1, z1]).T p2 = np.array([x2, y2, z2]).T p3 = np.array([x3, y3, z3]).T # all vectors have shape (n,3) r0 = p1 - p0 r1 = p2 - p0 r2 = p3 - p0 r0 /= np.linalg.norm(r0, axis=1)[:,None] * np.ones((1,3)) r1 /= np.linalg.norm(r1, axis=1)[:,None] * np.ones((1,3)) r2 /= np.linalg.norm(r2, axis=1)[:,None] * np.ones((1,3)) a = np.arccos(np.sum(r0*r1, axis=1)) b = np.arccos(np.sum(r0*r2, axis=1)) c = np.arccos(np.sum(r1*r2, axis=1)) s = (a+b+c) / 2 # silence invalid values error, the resulting nan values will be masked out at the end old_settings = np.geterr() np.seterr(invalid="ignore") sinA = np.sqrt( (np.sin(s-b) * np.sin(s-c)) / (np.sin(b)*np.sin(c)) ) sinB = np.sqrt( (np.sin(s-a) * np.sin(s-c)) / (np.sin(a)*np.sin(c)) ) sinC = np.sqrt( (np.sin(s-b) * np.sin(s-a)) / (np.sin(b)*np.sin(a)) ) cosA = np.sqrt( (np.sin(s) * np.sin(s-a)) / (np.sin(b)*np.sin(c)) ) cosB = np.sqrt( (np.sin(s) * np.sin(s-b)) / (np.sin(b)*np.sin(c)) ) cosC = np.sqrt( (np.sin(s) * np.sin(s-c)) / (np.sin(b)*np.sin(c)) ) # restore silenced warnings np.seterr(**old_settings) # make large values to 1 sinA = np.minimum(sinA, np.ones_like(sinA)) sinB = np.minimum(sinB, np.ones_like(sinB)) sinC = np.minimum(sinC, np.ones_like(sinC)) cosA = np.minimum(cosA, np.ones_like(cosA)) cosB = np.minimum(cosB, np.ones_like(cosB)) cosC = np.minimum(cosC, np.ones_like(cosC)) A = np.where(np.isnan(sinA), 2 * np.arccos(cosA), 2 * np.arcsin(sinA)) B = np.where(np.isnan(sinB), 2 * np.arccos(cosB), 2 * np.arcsin(sinB)) C = np.where(np.isnan(sinC), 2 * np.arccos(cosC), 2 * np.arcsin(sinC)) # calculate area E = A + B + C - np.pi return E def _compute_normals(self, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2): p0 = np.array([x0, y0, z0]).T p1 = np.array([x1, y1, z1]).T p2 = np.array([x2, y2, z2]).T # all vectors have shape (n,3) r0 = p1 - p0 r1 = p2 - p0 r0 /= np.linalg.norm(r0, axis=1)[:,None] * np.ones((1,3)) r1 /= np.linalg.norm(r1, axis=1)[:,None] * np.ones((1,3)) normal = np.cross(r0,r1) normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal, axis=1)[:,None] * np.ones((1,3)) return normal[:,0], normal[:,1], normal[:,2] def _determine_is_at_surface(self): df = self._obj[["x", "y", "z"]].reorder_levels(["element_id", "node_id"]).sort_index(level="element_id", sort_remaining=False) df["node_id"] = df.index.get_level_values("node_id") # add two other nodes for every node df_nodes = df.copy() df_nodes = df_nodes.merge(df_nodes, on="element_id", how="outer", suffixes=["_n0", "_n1"]) df_nodes = df_nodes[df_nodes["node_id_n0"] != df_nodes["node_id_n1"]] df_nodes = df_nodes.merge(df, on="element_id", how="outer").copy() df_nodes = df_nodes[df_nodes["node_id_n1"] < df_nodes["node_id"]] df_nodes = df_nodes.rename(columns={"node_id": "node_id_n2", "x": "x_n2", "y": "y_n2", "z": "z_n2"}) df_nodes = df_nodes.merge(df, on="element_id", how="outer", suffixes=["_n2", "_n3"]).copy() df_nodes = df_nodes[df_nodes["node_id_n2"] < df_nodes["node_id"]] df0 = df_nodes.rename(columns={"node_id": "node_id_n3", "x": "x_n3", "y": "y_n3", "z": "z_n3"}) df0.loc[:,"E"] \ = self._solid_angle(df0.x_n0, df0.y_n0, df0.z_n0, df0.x_n1, df0.y_n1, df0.z_n1, df0.x_n2, df0.y_n2, df0.z_n2, df0.x_n3, df0.y_n3, df0.z_n3) max_E = df0.groupby(["element_id", "node_id_n0"]).max()["E"] df1 = df0.join(max_E, on=["element_id", "node_id_n0"], how="left", rsuffix="_max") df2 = df1[df1["E"] == df1["E_max"]] df2 = df2.groupby(["element_id", "node_id_n0"]).first() index_columns = df2.reset_index() index_columns = index_columns[["element_id", "node_id_n0"]] df2.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(index_columns, names=["element_id", "node_id"]) df3 = df2[["x_n0", "y_n0", "z_n0", "E"]] df3 = df3.join(df3.groupby(["node_id"]).sum().rename(columns={"E":"Esum"})["Esum"]) df3.loc[:,"is_at_surface"] = df3["Esum"] < 4*np.pi-1e-5 df3["is_at_surface"].fillna(False, inplace = True) return df3
[docs] def is_at_surface(self): ''' Determines for every point in the mesh if it is at the mesh's surface. Example usage: .. code:: # df_mesh is a pandas DataFrame with columns "x", "y", "z" and # one row per node, indexed by a mult-index with levels # "element_id" and "node_id". is_at_surface_1 = df_mesh.surface_3D.is_at_surface() # The result will be a series with values 0 or 1 for every node .. note:: This function is slow for large meshes. A better approach would be to determine surface nodes in the commercial solver (Abaqus, Ansys). Returns ------- is_at_surface : pd.Series A series with the same index as the given DataFrame, indicating whether the node is at a surface of the component or not. ''' assert "x" in self._obj assert "y" in self._obj assert "z" in self._obj # extract only the needed columns, order and sort multi-index result = self._determine_is_at_surface() return result["is_at_surface"]
[docs] def is_at_surface_with_normals(self): ''' Determines for every point in the mesh if it is at the mesh's surface, additionally calculate the outward normals. Example usage: .. code:: # df_mesh is a pandas DataFrame with columns "x", "y", "z" and # one row per node, indexed by a mult-index with levels # "element_id" and "node_id". is_at_surface_2 = df_mesh.surface_3D.is_at_surface_with_normals() # The result will be a DataFrame with values 0 or 1 for every node .. note:: This function is slow for large meshes. A better approach would be to determine surface nodes in the commercial solver (Abaqus, Ansys). Returns ------- is_at_surface : pd.Series A DataFrame with the same index as the given DataFrame and columns "is_at_surface", "normal_x", "normal_y", "normal_z". The column is_at_surface determines whether the node is at a surface of the component or not. If at the surface, the other columns specify the outward normal vector at this point. ''' df = self._determine_is_at_surface() df_at_surface = df[df["is_at_surface"]].reset_index().set_index("element_id") d = df_at_surface.merge(df_at_surface, on="element_id", how="left", suffixes=["_n0", "_n1"]) d = d[d["node_id_n0"] != d["node_id_n1"]] p0 = d.groupby(["element_id", "node_id_n0"], group_keys=True).nth(0) p1 = d.groupby(["element_id", "node_id_n0"], group_keys=True).nth(1) d2 = d.groupby(["element_id", "node_id_n0"], group_keys=True).first() p0 = p0.reset_index().set_index(["element_id", "node_id_n0"]) p1 = p1.reset_index().set_index(["element_id", "node_id_n0"]) d2 = d2.reset_index().set_index(["element_id", "node_id_n0"]) d2["node_id_p1"] = p0["node_id_n1"] d2["x_p1"] = p0["x_n0_n1"] d2["y_p1"] = p0["y_n0_n1"] d2["z_p1"] = p0["z_n0_n1"] d2["node_id_p2"] = p1["node_id_n1"] d2["x_p2"] = p1["x_n0_n1"] d2["y_p2"] = p1["y_n0_n1"] d2["z_p2"] = p1["z_n0_n1"] d2.loc[:,"normal_x"], d2.loc[:,"normal_y"], d2.loc[:,"normal_z"] \ = self._compute_normals(d2.x_n0_n0, d2.y_n0_n0, d2.z_n0_n0, d2.x_p1, d2.y_p1, d2.z_p1, d2.x_p2, d2.y_p2, d2.z_p2) df_with_normals = d2[["normal_x", "normal_y", "normal_z"]] df_with_normals.index.names = ["element_id", "node_id"] df_result = df.join(df_with_normals)[["is_at_surface", "normal_x", "normal_y", "normal_z"]] return df_result