Source code for pylife.mesh.hotspot

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__author__ = "Daniel Christopher Kreuter"
__maintainer__ = "Johannes Mueller"

import pandas as pd
import pylife.mesh.meshsignal as meshsignal

[docs] @pd.api.extensions.register_dataframe_accessor('hotspot') class HotSpot(meshsignal.Mesh):
[docs] def calc(self, value_key, limit_frac=0.9, artefact_threshold=None): '''Calculates hotspots on a FE mesh Parameters ---------- value_key : string Column name of the field variable, on which the Hot Spot calculation is done. limit_frac : float, optional Fraction of the max field variable. Example: If you set limit_frac = 0.9, the function finds all nodes and regions which are >= 90% of the maximum value of the field variable. default: 0.9 artefact_threshold : float, optional If set all the values above the `artefact_threshold` limit are not taken into account for the calculation of the maximum value. This is meant to be used for numerical artefacts which would take the threshold value for hotspot determined by `limit_frac` to such a high level, that all the relevant hotspots would "hide" underneath it. Returns ------- hotspots : pandas.Series A Series of integers with the same index of the accessed mesh object indicating which mesh point belongs to which hotspot. A value 0 means below the `limit_frac`. Notes ----- A loop is defined in the following way: * Select the node with the maximum stress value * Find all elements > `limit_frac` belonging to this node * Select all nodes > `limit_frac` belonging to these elements * Start loop again until all nodes > `limit_frac` are assigned to a hotspot Attention: All stress values are node based, not integration point based ''' max_value = (self._obj[value_key].max() if artefact_threshold is None else self._obj.loc[self._obj[value_key] < artefact_threshold, value_key].max()) above_limit = self._obj[value_key] >= limit_frac*max_value hotspots = pd.Series(0, name='hotspot', index=self._obj.index) hs_index = 1 while above_limit.any(): hs = self.__hs_sel(above_limit, value_key) hotspots.loc[hs] = hs_index hs_index += 1 above_limit ^= hs return hotspots
def __hs_sel(self, remaining, value_key): max_index = self._obj.loc[remaining, value_key].idxmax() new_hotspot = pd.Series(False, self._obj.index) new_hotspot[max_index] = True new_entries = True while new_entries: new_entries = False new_nodes_idx = remaining[new_hotspot].index.get_level_values('node_id') new_elems_idx = remaining[new_hotspot].index.get_level_values('element_id') new_nodes = remaining.loc[remaining.index.isin(new_nodes_idx, level='node_id')] ^ new_hotspot new_elems = remaining.loc[remaining.index.isin(new_elems_idx, level='element_id')] ^ new_hotspot if new_nodes.any(): new_entries = True new_hotspot[new_nodes] = True if new_elems.any(): new_entries = True new_hotspot[new_elems] = True return new_hotspot