Life time Calculation

This Notebook shows a general calculation stream for a nominal and local stress reliability approach.


Stress derivation

We are starting with the imported rainflow matrices. More information about the time series and loading handlin and the RF generation you can find in the notebook time_series_handling

  1. Mean stress correction

  2. Multiplication with repeating factor of every manoveur

Damage Calculation

  1. Select the damage calculation method (Miner elementary, Miner-Haibach, …)

  2. Calculate the damage for every load level and the damage sum

  3. Calculate the failure probability with or w/o field scatter

Local stress approach

  1. Load the FE mesh

  2. Apply the load history to the FE mesh

  3. Calculate the damage

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
from pylife.utils.histogram import *
import pylife.stress.timesignal as ts

import pylife.stress.equistress

import pylife.stress
import pylife.strength.meanstress as MS
import pylife.strength.fatigue

import pylife.mesh.meshsignal

from pylife.strength import failure_probability as fp
import pylife.vmap

import pyvista as pv

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

from scipy.stats import norm

from helper_functions import plot_rf
%matplotlib inline
%store -r rf_dict

Meanstress transformation

Here we are using the FKM Goodman approach to calculate the meanstress transformation

meanstress_sensitivity = pd.Series({
    'M': 0.3,
    'M2': 0.2
transformed_dict = {k: rf_act.meanstress_transform.fkm_goodman(meanstress_sensitivity, R_goal=-1.).to_pandas() for k, rf_act in rf_dict.items()}

Repeating factor

If you want to apply a repeating factor to your loads you can do it very easily:

repeating = {
    'wn': 50.0,
    'sine': 25.0,
    'SoR': 25
load_dict = {k: transformed_dict[k] * repeating[k] for k in repeating.keys()}

We are calculating a seperat load case, where we summarize the three channels together. Later on we can compare the damage results of this channel with the sum of the other channels.

load_dict['total'] = pd.concat([load_dict[k] for k in load_dict.keys()])
bins = pd.interval_range(0., load_dict['total'].load_collective.use_class_right().amplitude.max(), 64)
rebinned_dict = {k: rebin_histogram(v.load_collective.amplitude_histogram, bins) for k, v in load_dict.items()}
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2,figsize=(10, 5))

for k, v in rebinned_dict.items():
    amplitude = v.index.right[::-1]
    cycles = v[::-1]
    ax[0].step(cycles, amplitude, label=k)
    ax[1].step(np.cumsum(cycles), amplitude, label=k)

for title, ai in zip(['Count', 'Cumulated'], ax):

Nominal stress approach

Material parameters

You can create your own material data from Woeler tests using the Notebook woehler_analyzer

k_1 = 8
mat = pd.Series({
    'k_1': k_1,
    'k_2' : 2 * k_1 - 1,
    'ND': 1.0e6,
    'SD': 300.0,
    'TN': 12.,
    'TS': 1.1
k_1          8.0
k_2         15.0
ND     1000000.0
SD         300.0
TN          12.0
TS           1.1
dtype: float64

Damage Calculation

Now we can calculate the damage for every loadstep and summarize this damage to get the total damage.

# damage for every load range
damage_miner_original = {k: mat.fatigue.damage(v.load_collective) for k, v in load_dict.items()}
damage_miner_elementary = {k: mat.fatigue.miner_elementary().damage(v.load_collective) for k, v in load_dict.items()}
damage_miner_haibach = {k: mat.fatigue.miner_haibach().damage(v.load_collective) for k, v in load_dict.items()}

# and the damage sum
damage_sum_miner_haibach = {k: v.sum() for k, v in damage_miner_haibach.items()}
# ... and so on

print("total from sum: " + str(damage_sum_miner_haibach["wn"] + damage_sum_miner_haibach["sine"] + damage_sum_miner_haibach["SoR"]))
{'wn': 8.621517064795323e-10, 'sine': 2.8543791286902965e-06, 'SoR': 9.502359413448829e-05, 'total': 0.00012975340189600685}
total from sum: 9.787883541488506e-05

If we compare the sum of the first three load channels with the ‘total’ one. The different is based on the fact that we have used 10 bins only. Try to rerun the notebook with a higher bin resolution and you will see the differences.

Plot the damage vs collectives

wc = mat.woehler
cyc = pd.Series(np.logspace(1, 12, 200))
for pf, style in zip([0.1, 0.5, 0.9], ['--', '-', '--']):
    load = wc.basquin_load(cyc, failure_probability=pf)
    plt.plot(cyc, load, style)

plt.step(np.cumsum(rebinned_dict['total'][::-1]), rebinned_dict['total'].index.right[::-1])
plt.xlabel("cylces"), plt.ylabel("amplitude")

Failure Probability

Without field scatter

In the first use case we assume, that we have the material scatter only. With that we can calculate the failure probability using the FailureProbability class.

D50 = 0.01

damage = damage_sum_miner_haibach["total"]

di = np.logspace(np.log10(1e-1*damage), np.log10(1e2*damage), 1000)
std = pylife.utils.functions.scattering_range_to_std(mat.TN)
failprob = fp.FailureProbability(D50, std).pf_simple_load(di)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.semilogx(di, failprob, label='cdf')
plt.vlines(damage, ymin=0, ymax=1, color="black")
plt.title("Failure probability = %.2e" %fp.FailureProbability(D50,std).pf_simple_load(damage))
plt.xlim(min(di), max(di))
(1.2975340189600692e-05, 0.012975340189600686)

With field scatter

If we have the field scatter we can calculate the failure probability using convoluation of the probility density functions of the load and the strength.

field_std = 0.35
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# plot pdf of material
mat_pdf = norm.pdf(np.log10(di), loc=np.log10(D50), scale=std)
ax.semilogx(di, mat_pdf, label='pdf_mat')
# plot pdf of load
field_pdf = norm.pdf(np.log10(di), loc=np.log10(damage), scale=field_std)
ax.semilogx(di, field_pdf, label='pdf_load',color = 'r')
plt.title("Failure probability = %.2e" %fp.FailureProbability(D50, std).pf_norm_load(damage, field_std))
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fd0e3065890>

Local stress approach

FE based failure probability calculation

FE Data

vm_mesh = pylife.vmap.VMAPImport("plate_with_hole.vmap")
pyLife_mesh = (vm_mesh.make_mesh('1', 'STATE-2')

mises = pyLife_mesh.groupby('element_id')[['S11', 'S22', 'S33', 'S12', 'S13', 'S23']].mean().equistress.mises()
mises /= 150.0  # the nominal load level in the FEM analysis

Damage Calculation

scaled_collective = load_dict['total'].load_collective.scale(mises)

damage = mat.fatigue.damage(scaled_collective)
damage = damage.groupby(['element_id']).sum()
grid = pv.UnstructuredGrid(*pyLife_mesh.mesh.vtk_data())
plotter = pv.Plotter()
plotter.add_mesh(grid, scalars=damage.to_numpy(), log_scale=True, show_edges=True, cmap='jet')
print("Maximal damage sum: %f" % damage.max())
Maximal damage sum: 0.010052

Failure probability of the plate

Often we don’t get the volume of the FE data from the result file. But with pyVista we can calculate the volume (or area for 2d elements) easily:

areas =  grid.compute_cell_sizes().cell_data["Area"]

To get the failure probability we have to proceed the following steps:

  • get the failure probality of every element

  • get the probality of survival for every element

  • get the probality of survival for the whole component normed based on the volume (or area in 2d) of the element

  • get the failure probality for the whole component

fp_per_element = fp.FailureProbability(D50, std).pf_simple_load(damage)
probability_of_survival_per_ele = 1 - fp_per_element
probability_of_survival_component = (probability_of_survival_per_ele ** (areas/areas.sum())).prod()
fp_component = 1 - probability_of_survival_component
print('\033[1m' + "Failure probability of the component is %.2e" %fp_component)
Failure probability of the component is 3.09e-04