The Elementary class

class pylife.materialdata.woehler.Elementary(fatigue_data)[source]

Base class to analyze SN-data.

The common base class for all SN-data analyzers calculates the first estimation of a Wöhler curve in the finite zone of the SN-data. It calculates the slope k, the fatigue limit SD, the transition cycle number ND and the scatter in load direction 1/TN.

The result is just meant to be a first guess. Derived classes are supposed to use those first guesses as starting points for their specific analysis. For that they should implement the method _specific_analysis().


Analyze the SN-data.


**kwargs (kwargs arguments) – Arguments to be passed to the derived class


The Bayesian Information Criterion

Bayesian Information Criterion is a criterion for model selection among a finite set of models; the model with the lowest BIC is preferred.

Basically the lower the better the fit.
