The frequencysignal module

class pylife.stress.frequencysignal.psdSignal(df)[source]

Handles different routines for self signals

Remark: We are using the pandas data frame schema. The index contains the discrete frequency step. Every single column one self.

Some functions of these class:

  • psd_optimizer
psd_smoother(fsel, factor_rms_nodes=0.5)[source]

Smoothen a PSD using nodes and a penalty factor weighting the errors for the RMS and for the node PSD values

  • self (DataFrame) – unsmoothed PSD
  • fsel (list or np.array) – nodes
  • factor_rms_nodes (float (0 <= factor_rms_nods <= 1)) –

    penalty error weighting the errors:

    • 0: only error of node PSD values is considered
    • 1: only error of the RMS is considered

Return type:

